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Böj "rester" - franska verb - Verbböjningar

'rester' conjugation table in French Go to the definition page of rester. Infinitive rester. Past Participle Rester conjugation table | Collins French Verbs. Log In Dictionary.

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Translate rest in context and see rest definition. Rester is a very common french verb. Rester is conjugated the same way that verbs that end in : -er Rester is conjugated with auxiliary être. Rester verb is intransitive. Conjugación verbo rester francés: presente, futuro, subjuntivo, condicional. Ver la traducción en contexto para rester y su definición. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo.

rester feminine.

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Här, beskriver vi ändring av HEVNPs för tumör inriktning av muterar yta-exponerade rester till cysteines, som konjugat syntetiska ligander som  DEFA Studie ne pouvait plus rester silencieux. DEFA Studie could no Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. Suggest an  contextתרגום בהקשרПеревод в контекстеTłumaczenie w kontekścieTraducere în contextİçerik tercümesi · Synonyms Conjugation Reverso Corporate Subtitles  Först av allt, det franska uttrycket rester bouche bée har inget att göra med abeille, det franska ordet för "bi".

Rester conjugation

Rörelseverb Franska Flashcards Quizlet

Perfektum. (att) restera. resterar. resterade. (har) resterat. Infinitive: (att) restera.

Rester conjugation

So it follow the regular conjugation pattern of the first group like: aimer . Follow this link to see all the endings of the conjugation of the first group verbs : conjugation rules and endings for the first group verbs. Rester is conjugated the same way that verbs that end in : -er . Conjugation French verb.
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Rester conjugation

rester. Participe présent. franceza. restant. Participe passé.

Conjugation French verb. rester. 1st group verb - rester is a intransitive verb. Auxiliary verb used with rester : être.
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Dictionnaire historique de la terminologie géométrique des

rester feminine. French Verb Conjugations Rester is a regular -er verb. Rester is a French regular er verb meaning to stay.

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rester - French-Swedish Dictionary - Glosbe

rester. Participe présent.