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Reduction of hazardous chemicals in Swedish preschool dust

av PO Darnerud · 2010 — PBDE, HBCD and PCB in household dust and in breast milk from primipara Adverse health impacts of HBCD in laboratory animals have  av S Sjöberg — former av PBDE i elektriska och elektroniska produkter (Ezechias et al. Barn är ofta extra känsliga för exponeringen av PBDE molekyler health hazards. ethers (PBDEs)-have been shown to persist in the environment, and some have been associated with adverse health effects. The aim of the present study was  Hydroxy-PCBs, PBDEs, and HBCDDs in serum from an elderly population of The faroes statement: Human health effects of developmental exposure to  av H Lundgren · 2013 — Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are the most well known human body burden and potential adverse health effects. Acta Biomed.

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Animal studies have shown that PBDE exposure during pregnancy and after birth caused problems with brain development in offspring. These studies observed problems with learning, memory, and behavior in mice and rats. Animal studies also found that PBDEs can alter thyroid and other hormone levels. The critical endpoint of concern for human health is neurobehavioral effects. Various PBDEs have also been studied for ecotoxicity in mammals, birds, fish, and invertebrates. In some cases, current levels of exposure for wildlife may be at or near adverse effect levels. PBDEs have been linked to the following damaging health effects, in some cases at levels that are at or near those observed in the U.S. population: • Learning, behavior, and memory problems.

Recent concerns on possible adverse health effects of PBDEs are focusing on their potential endocrine disrupting effects and on developmental neurotoxicity. Human studies already document adverse effects on intelligence and psychomotor skills in children with disruptions in thyroid levels in the womb through the second year of life. 19-22 One study found that workers exposed to PBDEs experienced higher prevalence of hypothyroidism.

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In the U.S., PBDE levels in people are generally 10–100 times higher than levels measured in people in Europe and Asia. degrade higher brominated PBDE, but may lead to the formation of less-brominated, more toxic In addition, PBDEs disrupt thyroid hormone levels, impacting brain development.

Pbde health effects

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These studies observed problems with learning, memory, and behavior in mice and rats. Animal studies also found that PBDEs can alter thyroid and other hormone levels. In recent years, PBDEs have generated international concern over their widespread distribution in the environment, their potential to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife, and their suspected adverse human health effects. In the U.S., PBDE levels in people are generally 10–100 times higher than levels measured in people in Europe and Asia. degrade higher brominated PBDE, but may lead to the formation of less-brominated, more toxic In addition, PBDEs disrupt thyroid hormone levels, impacting brain development.

Pbde health effects

23 Concurrent exposure to both PBDEs and PCBs, as from consuming some fatty fish, may present an increased risk since some researchers have found additive or synergistic effects between the two chemicals.
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Pbde health effects

Pre- and/or postnatal   typically well below what may cause health problems. Drinking PBDEs in breast milk. Nursing babies can be exposed in this way. PBDEs can be found in water  Information about PBDEs and human health is available in the NICNAS interim public health risk assessment report on certain PBDE congeners.

Animal studies have shown that PBDE exposure during pregnancy and after birth caused problems with brain development in offspring.
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Serum concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are used as flame retardants in plastics (concentration, 5--30%) and in textile coatings. Commercial products consist predominantly of penta-, octa-, and decabromodiphenyl ether mixtures, and global PBDE production is about 40,000 tons per year.

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Are children at a higher risk to PBDEs? Children have been found to have  7 Apr 2017 “We don't fully understand the health consequences of exposures to Laboratory studies in animals, however, have shown that PBDEs can  According to the JECFA, for the more toxic PBDE congeners, adverse effects margin of exposure (MOE) was used to assess the health risk of dietary PBDE  30 Nov 2016 PBDEs, a class of flame retardants widely used since the 1970s, have Health effects in humans possibly associated with PBDE exposure  16 May 2008 Observed Effects of Exposure to PBDEs Related to Thyroid. Hormone Assessing the potential human health risks from PBDEs poses several. 25 Oct 2016 Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants: environmental contamination, human body burden and potential adverse health effects.